1. Export your sliders by going to the Slider Revolution admin area and clicking on Export for each slider individually. The export option is available once you hover over the slider and click on the first icon (down arrow).
2. Delete the Revolution slider plugin by navigating to Plugins section inside your WordPress admin dashboard. First click on "Deactivate", then on "Delete".
3. When the plugin is deleted, a new notification will appear, promoting you to install Revolution Slider. Click on "Begin installing plugin" and then on "Install" just below the plugin title. If you do not see the notice, navigate to Appearance - Install Plugins and click on "Install" just below the plugin title.
4. The installation will then download the latest version from our server. Navigate to the Revolution Slider admin area and check if the content is still there.
5. If the sliders were deleted, install them one by one by clicking on "Import Slider".