Move - Responsive OnePage Parallax WordPress Theme - Creative WordPress

Current Version: 1.1.6

Last Update: 28.07.2014

ThemeForest: URL

Documentation: Documentation


Update: 28.07.2014 – v1.1.6

- fixed: string issue home page after header.

Update: 10.07.2014 – v1.1.5

- added: pagination option on the Portfolio shortcode 
- fixed: contact form issue 
- fixed: minor issues

Update: 14.05.2014 – v1.1.4

- fixed: issue with Visual Compser

Update: 24.04.2014 – v1.1.3

- fixed: issue with WordPress 3.9 (shortcode builder) - fixed: division by zero issue

Update: 27.03.2014 – v1.1.2

- fixed: content issue - fixed: blog content issue

Update: 22.03.2014 – v1.1.1

- fixed: no portfolio filter issue

Update: 20.02.2014 – v1.1.0

- fixed: Author page 
- changed: icons and logos do link when no URL is empty 
- changed: contact form element names have been changed from element
- {num} to the placeholder names

Update: 18.02.2014 – v1.0.9

- fixed: Visual composer issues
- fixed: dummy issues with Visual Composer

Update: 12.02.2014 – v1.0.8

- fixed: menu issue for custom links 
- fixed: Visual Composer issue 
- changed: tabs shortcode

Update: 11.02.2014 – v1.0.7

- fixed: accordion issue
- fixed: issues with Visual Composer

Update: 09.02.2014 – v1.0.6

- fixed: IE8 compatibility issues
- fixed: JS error reporting on scroll
- fixed: blog posts layout issue when not using the [blog] shortcode
- changed: no arrows and bullets are shown in portfolio when only one image is added
- changed: links inside the LayerSlider also use smooth scroll when targeting anchors

Update: 06.02.2014 – v1.0.5

- added: Visual Composer
- fixed: menu link issue

Update: 05.02.2014 – v1.0.4

- fixed: translation issue 
- fixed: preloader "flash content" issue
- fixed: contact form styling issue 
- fixed: comments on single page when not logged in issue 
- fixed: main navigation waypoints

Update: 09.01.2014 – v1.0.3

- fixed: LayerSlider WP plugin notice issue
- fixed: dummy content logo
- fixed: mobile menu issue
- added: documentation segments
- added: Navigation style and Footer style options to our demo site Colorpicker

Update: 03.01.2014 – v1.0.2

- changed: Portfolio and Team URL text (from #prettyPhoto to #portfolio and #team)
- added: logo size options
- fixed: footer widget styling issue

Update: 23.12.2013 – v1.0.1

- fixed: LayerSlider installation issue
- fixed: Contact form issues
- fixed: JavaScript issues