Emona - Multi-Purpose WooCommerce Theme - WooCommerce eCommerce


Current Version: 1.0.8
Last Update: 31.05.2014

ThemeForest: URL

Documentation: Documentation


Update: 31.05.2014 – v1.0.8

- fixed: issue with old PHP version 
- fixed: related products issue 
- fixed: issue with Visual Composer

Update: 28.05.2014 – v1.0.7

- fixed: VC Design Options
- added: better WooCommerce shortcodes editing
- fixed: menu overlapping content
- added: gallery captions
- fixed: gallery issue
- fixed: double custom-styles loading
- fixed: Terms and Conditioning Checkout checkbox issue
- fixed: search page heading background image loading
- fixed: search page layout issue
- added: customize CSS options
- removed: PHP errors and notices
- fixed: no product tabs issue

Update: 14.05.2014 – v1.0.6

- fixed: sidebar issue
- fixed: category layout issue
- fixed: contact form issue
- updated: review-order.php

Update: 09.05.2014 – v1.0.5

- fixed: checkout mobile styling issue

Update: 24.04.2014 – v1.0.4

- fixed: translation issue 
- fixed: no rating layout issue 
- fixed: issue with WordPress 3.9 (shortcode builder) 
- fixed: contact form captcha issue 
- fixed: outdated WooCommerce files 
- fixed: Visual Composer fatal error issue (is plugin active) 
- fixed: "WishList page shows even if plugin not active" issue 
- fixed: "No content" positioning issue 
- fixed: SSL issues 
- added: "Show empty stars on products with no rating" option 
- added: "Hide header cart" option

Update: 26.03.2014 – v1.0.3

- fixed: content issue - fixed: blog content issue

Update: 22.03.2014 – v1.0.2

- added: new product style view (users can now choose between two views)
- fixed: IE styling issues 
- fixed: content layout issue 
- fixed: no portfolio filter issue

Update: 13.03.2014 – v1.0.1

- fixed: compare plugin issue 
- fixed: mobile menu issue 
- fixed: iOS quantity issue 
- fixed: product linking issue (all pointing to one product) 
- added: logout button on the My account page 
- changed: SVG is now controlled via CSS, so the color changes when switching styles

Initial release – v1.0